Lori Understands Your Company’s Culture and Goals

Have you ever sat in an audience, waiting in anticipation to gain valuable insights and be wowed by a speaker only to find yourself disappointed by the content or the presenter? Maybe you found yourself nodding off or scrolling through social media.
Attending dozens of talks each year for the last few decades, I have sat in that audience with you. And like you, I was secretly cheering for that speaker to find some energy, something to motivate me to be better, leave me with words of wisdom, or provide me easily implementable techniques that I could use that day.
A coach once told me that many people call themselves speakers but there’s a difference between someone who is a professional who speaks and a professional speaker.
Admittedly, I was the former for quite a while but realized that while the audience was always appreciative of the information, that something was missing. The audience had invested their time to be there and they deserved to have an experience where they not only obtained valuable information, but they should also feel inspired to use it in easily, implementable steps that produced longlasting change.
So often speakers can provide the information, but it does not stay with the audience once the event is over. I became determined to not be that speaker and since then I have created metaphors, analogies, and visuals that not only resonate with the audience but they also mentally stay with them long after the event. Your company needs to have a speaker that listens to your needs and goals in addition to delivering the content in an authentic, passionate, and memorable way that connects with your team.
Attendees Rave About Lori's Various Talks